Mercredi, 19 février 2025 |

Venice hotel deals: find your deal at La Pergola di Venezia!

Are you looking for a Venice hotel deal? La Pergola in Venice offers a wide range of services for your stay: sauna, sun terrace with shower, jacuzzi, satellite TV, wireless service and secure parking.

Moreover, in our facility your pet is welcome!

La Pergola di Venezia is a 4 star hotel located on the Lido, the island set up to protect the beauty of Piazza San Marco from the sea, and because this is a particularly fortunate geographical position, just 10 minutes by boat from San Marco and easily reachable by car taking the Ferry Boat from the Tronchetto, an hour from the airport by shuttle dedicated.

In a street perpendicular to the Lido 's Gran Via, if in your search for Venice hotel deals you will choose our structure you'll have all the conveniences of being close to many tourist attractions of Venice, but outside the chaotic streets.

What are you waiting? Check the website of La Pergola in Venice to see what we can offer to you at competitive prices!

Forfaits & offres

Hotel La Pergola Via Cipro - 30126 Venezia Lido P.Iva 03779450273 |